You are not alone


It’s safe to say that most of us are well into our second week of quarantine at home. 

Some of you may still be going into work, which is taking you away from your loved ones, who are stuck at home.

This is not an easy time for any of us. Now more than ever it is easy to feel isolated and alone during this challenging time we are all facing.

We at the Alive Experience would like to remind you that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.

We are in this together and are going to overcome this challenge.

CONNECTION is more important than ever right now for all of us.

Even being stuck at home, we are all surrounded by a supportive and loving community of people around us. 

This is the perfect time to strengthen and build on those connections.

Right now more than ever it’s important to feed our souls and strengthen our faith in humanity which will make it easier to thrive in the months to come. 

Even though, now is the most important time to stay united by staying apart. Even though we are not together physically, we can still build on our connections in many ways. Here are some suggestions:

  • Phone conversations with family, friends and even our clients are a great way to stay connected.

  • Send a letter or email to someone to check in to reconnect.

  • Deepen connections on social media by commenting and not just “liking” photos. 

  • Set up weekly coffee, chai or even “happy hour” dates to catch up over Facetime, Zoom or Skype. Enjoy each other’s presence virtually. 

  • Join webinars or community Facebook groups to provide or get support from others. This is a great way to build community connection.

Now is a time to come together to build heartfelt connections and develop new patterns of responsibility to yourself and others. Connection with others can bring solace and tenderness to the fear this pandemic has created for humanity. 

If you are currently looking for uplifting, inspiring, educational content, we invite you to join our new ALIVE Life group page on Facebook -

If we can help in any way please do not hesitate to reach out to

By Harpreet Pandher

How can I help?


How can I help?

What can I do?

Who can I serve?

These are the questions that are on my mind.

This past week I also fell victim to the panic and the fear that is impacting so many of us.

I began to worry about the future of my travel company and started to question how am I going to make money.

I was already assuming the worst-case scenario and started to feel and act like it has already happened.

These thoughts were lowering my vibration and elevating the fear and stress that I was feeling.

Thankfully I have the tools of self-awareness and many supportive friends to help me stay grounded and balanced.

Once I realized that what I was fearing most is actually not my current reality, and that I can choose to have a different perspective on what is happening, I asked myself these questions.

How can I serve?

What can I do?

How can I help?

I would like to extend the offer to any of you who would like to join Zoom video webinars with my coaches and I.

I will be hosting the first one Friday March 20th at 7PM EST.

I will be sharing information that will be helpful in keeping a high vibration during these challenging times.

There is no cost or obligation to be a part of this, it is simply an act of service to support those who may need some positivity and connection to a like-hearted group of humans right now.

If you are interested in being a part of the ALIVE Life webinar you can register here.

Please reach out if you have any questions and if I can help in any way.

Stay safe and support one another. We will all get through this together.

The Healing Power of Laughter


We’ve all heard that laughter is the best medicine. Now there is scientific evidence to back this up.

Did you know that laughing triggers a host of great things in our body? Our face, vocal cords, brain, lungs, blood vessels, and even our chakras! 

When we experience a hearty laugh, we exhale longer, removing “stale air” from our lungs and when inhale our lungs fill with fresh air and more oxygen; all the while our chest and facial muscles are contracting.

It helps support our cardiovascular system; “Laughter results in greater than average expulsion of the residual air in our lungs and then adds a fresh supply of oxygen that enriches our blood to nourish our heart, brain, and body tissues,” says Michael Miller, MD, a professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and the director of the Center for Preventive Cardiology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. Laughter can help dilate blood vessels and improve their function by reducing their stiffness and increasing their flexibility.

It helps maintain flexible arteries and that’s important because stiffness can lead to hardened arteries, which increases the risk of having a heart attack or stroke. “Laughter practiced as part of a healthy lifestyle may help to slow aging of our blood vessels,” says Dr. Miller, author of the book Heal Your Heart.

Laughter gives us a rosy glow and gives our immune system a boost:

“Laughter is associated with increased production of cells (predominantly B and T cells) that help to ward off infection,” says Dr. Miller.

If you ever laughed so hard you almost couldn’t stand, that’s science too: while some muscles are seizing up, others may become more relaxed or less coordinated.

Laughter is good for our minds too. It minimizes stress and distracts us from our worries by restraining stress hormones.

“Laughter causes regions of the brain that regulate emotions to ‘light up, ” says Dr. Miller. “These regions suppress the release of the stress hormone cortisol and activate the brain’s memory center, the hippocampus.” 

Laughter can also create the feeling of “bliss”. Research suggests that hearty, genuine laughter releases endorphins, the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals that help diminish pain while triggering positive feelings.  

Jodi J De Luca Ph.D., a licensed clinical psychologist at Boulder Community Hospital says that “Endorphins help relieve pain when you laugh; laughter helps resolve “all types of pain, not just physical pain, but emotional and psychological pain as well.

Have you heard of “Laughter yoga”? it incorporates yogic breathing “pranayama” to get the body to an aerobic state in order to laugh. According to Beth Bongar ( a laughter yoga teacher) “think of laughter yoga as physical, mental, and/or spiritual exercises that have benefits backed by science.” 

Not only does laughter have incredible effects within our bodies, and it works as a coping mechanism with difficult life events; laughter also serves as a social connector and can be contagious! Research suggests that hearing laughter triggers our brain to automatically engages the muscles around the mouth to smile or laugh. 

“When you look into the eyes of the person who is laughing it’s hard to keep a straight face; it activates our inner laughter,” says Bongar.  And now you are both laughing – that is called connection.”

The powerful energy of different types of laughter even connects with our chakras. Tracee Dunblazier, a certified grief counselor and author, shares her work from Master Your Inner World: Embrace Your Power With Joy. “Energetically, the heart opens or expands when we laugh and allows for all of the other energy centers (chakras) to release denser energies and align with the higher frequencies that enter the body.” 

There are three different kinds of laughs that interact with their corresponding chakras:

  • The chortle laugh is centered in the head and throat and expands the throat chakra, allowing a better flow of communication.

  • The guffaw laugh is centered in the belly, expands the second and third chakras, and will help you release your fear of not being able to control the situation, allowing you to find an empowering position in it.

  • The chuckle is centered in the heart, the place in the physical body where we create hormones of peace and the energy center where we align with our higher self. The chuckle opens the heart, allowing for a stronger flow of energy to the rest of the system.

 The results are “a visceral reaction to somebody’s laughter,” says Dunblazier.

There is an “infectious” energy exchange that occurs. “With laughter, you take the energy information and you project it outwards so it becomes infectious to others,” says Dunblazier. “As you begin to laugh you are letting go of old energy and you are creating a space in your body for new energy to flow through- it’s an exchange of joy.”

So how do we add more laughter into our lives:

  1. Loosen up, don’t take life so seriously

  2. See the humor in any situation

  3. Participate in fun activities with others

  4. Visit a comedy club

  5. Watch a funny movie or show

  6. hang out with your favorite funny friend

  7. Laugh just because

  8. Practice smiling 

Oh, and when you laugh – don’t hold back!

Ultimately laughter reconnects people to the joy deep within. It really is the best medicine; it’s organic, inexpensive and has the best side effects

Laughter is, and always will be the best form of therapy.

By Anita Damario

Sound Healing Therapy


Can Sound help you heal?

We believe it can and invite you to learn more about this ancient modality.

Everyone and everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, which we refer to as sound. When you connect with other beings or things that have the same frequency pattern as yours, you are in alignment with them. 

Sound is a powerful force that affects the mind, body, and soul.

Sound therapy is essentially the process of healing the mind and body through music, tones, frequencies, and vibrations.

The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance-the vibrating frequency of an object. The entire Universe is in a constant state of vibration, including human beings. 

All organs, cells, bones tissues and the electromagnetic fields which surround the body have a healthy vibrating frequency.

When we are not resonating with a part of ourselves or our surroundings, this creates dissonance and the frequency begins to vibrate without harmony.  Low vibration is related to lethargy, depression, and sickness. 

A key to understanding sound healing is to understand that our bodies resonate with sound waves because the majority of our body is made of water. Since the water molecules are denser, this allows for energy to be transmitted faster from one particle to another.

Sound healing may be considered new age wellness but in reality, it has been used for centuries by ancient greeks, shamans, Indigenous medicine healers. Tibetan singing bowls, drums, gongs, tuning forks, their voices, koshi chimes and shamanic sound healing such as digeridoo to name a few were used to restore balance.

Some of the benefits of sound healing include:

  • Lower stress levels

  • Fewer mood swings

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Improve stress, anxiety, depression, along with other mental health conditions

  • Unblock emotions

  • Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition

Sound healing therapy can improve many facets of our lives, including emotional, and social development, cognitive and motor functioning as well as mental health. These are a few of the reasons why we offer Sound Healing sessions during our trips to Bali and Nosara.

Many yoga and meditation studios now offer Sound Healing sessions or Sound Baths. If you are curious to learn more about the benefits of this ancient modality, we invite you to give it a try and experience if for yourself.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

- Nikola Tesla

By Harpreet Pandher

Disconnect to Reconnect


Is it possible to protect and optimize our well-being in a world where increasingly the majority of time is spent online?

What impact does digital life have on our mind and physical health?

How much screen time is too much?

How can you embrace the best of the digital world without compromising your quality of life?

These questions may sound ironic to ask on social media and there is no doubt that we live in a digital age.

Today, society is intrinsically intertwined with technology. There is no escaping it. We have moved towards a world, where almost everyone you know is a single tap away. This dopamine hit can be helpful and harmful in different ways to our instant gratification centres.

But your phone isn’t necessarily an enemy as long as you make it work for you.

Are you having a hard time with how often you pick up your phone? 

Here are 5 tips to help get unplugged.

  1. Use an app like Screen Time iPhone App  helps to track your weekly phone use patterns and this can be used to set goals for the following week. The Moment app can track how often you use your iPhone and iPad each day and also lets you set daily limit.

  2. Keeping track of the times you pick up your phone. How many times do you check your notifications? This can help to be assertive to push back on the urge to check your phone next time it comes up.

  3. Turn off unnecessary notifications and utilize the “Do not Disturb” feature. All the notifications will be there when you turn off the feature.

  4. Do a digital fast. Spend a few hours or days without your device. It might seem a little hard, but it will force you to connect with others and yourself. You may even notice an improvement in your sleep. Studies show this is because the blue light from the screens suppresses the melatonin in the body, making us more alert.

Getting unplugged isn’t impossible but it does take some work. 

Technology is amazing and the benefits are great in so many aspects of everyday life. However, being able to unplug and have some time away from the screen will leave you re-energized, help improve your sleep and help stay in touch with the world around you.

Taking a Digital Detox while traveling is a great way to train yourself to take a break from your devices. Before traveling you can inform your friends, colleagues and loved ones, that you will not have your phone with you 24-7 so they are aware that you may not reply back immediately.

During our ALIVE Experience trips we encourage all of our guests to take a Digital Detox so they can be fully present during every moment with us. Most guests say that after a few days they get used to not having their phones with them and really enjoy the feeling and intend on continuing this periodically when they return home .

Would you like to try a Digital Detox?

What day of the week works for you to disconnect? Here are a couple of suggestions; try going out with friends and leave your phone at home and see how it elevates your experience. Or try a device free dinner where no one is allowed to have technology at the table. You may just find that the conversations get deeper and the group is more connected.

Here is a quote to inspire you from author Anne Lammott: “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

By Harpreet Pandher

The Blue Zone diet


For thousands of years, humans have longed to live a longer life. With medical science advancing, this dream is becoming a reality thanks to new biological and nutritional information as well as the latest “bio-hacks” available. The idea of living a healthy, long life to 100 seems unimaginable, however there are “Centenarians” who are alive and kicking in several places in the world known as Blue Zones.
Maybe you’ve heard of these special places? Not many have so I’d like to share what I know about them as I happen to be lucky enough to live in one, the Nicoya Peninsula here in Costa Rica.

What’s a Blue Zone?

Blue Zones are areas of the world in which people live exceptionally long lives (100+ years). These regions are home to some of the oldest and healthiest people in the world. The 5 designated Blue Zones in the world are:

  • Okinawa (Japan)

  • Sardinia (Italy)

  • Loma Linda (USA)

  • Nicoya (Costa Rica)

  • Icaria (Greek Islands)

Residents of these places produce a high rate of Centenarians, suffer a fraction of the diseases that commonly kill people in other parts of the developed world, and enjoy more years of good health than the rest of the population.

So what’s their secret and what are they doing or not doing that the rest of us could learn from?

Studies have found that genetics only play a 20–30% role in longevity so clearly there are some key lifestyle factors that are contributing to their long, healthy lives.
The people inhabiting Blue Zones share common lifestyle characteristics that contribute to their longevity. The Venn diagram below highlights the following six shared characteristics among the people of the Blue Zones.


Although their lifestyles differ slightly, they mostly eat a plant-based diet, exercise regularly, drink moderate amounts of alcohol, get enough sleep and have good spiritual, family and social networks. Here’s the full list of the most common lifestyle practices found in Blue Zones.

  1. Regular physical activity

  2. Life purpose

  3. Stress reduction

  4. Moderate caloric intake

  5. Plant-based diet

  6. Moderate alcohol intake

  7. Engagement in spirituality or religion

  8. Engagement in family life

  9. Engagement in social life

How many of these 9 practices do you implement into your lifestyle? Implementing these key lifestyle factors into your life is easier than you think once you have the knowledge and structure.

Understanding and appreciating the importance of these, we have designed and structured our programs at the ALIVE Experience around these important lifestyle practices. During our transformational trips we share information and coaching so that our guests can learn to live the Blue Zone life when they return home.

If you’d like to know more about the program that we offer at the ALIVE Experience please email us at