Disconnect to Reconnect


Is it possible to protect and optimize our well-being in a world where increasingly the majority of time is spent online?

What impact does digital life have on our mind and physical health?

How much screen time is too much?

How can you embrace the best of the digital world without compromising your quality of life?

These questions may sound ironic to ask on social media and there is no doubt that we live in a digital age.

Today, society is intrinsically intertwined with technology. There is no escaping it. We have moved towards a world, where almost everyone you know is a single tap away. This dopamine hit can be helpful and harmful in different ways to our instant gratification centres.

But your phone isn’t necessarily an enemy as long as you make it work for you.

Are you having a hard time with how often you pick up your phone? 

Here are 5 tips to help get unplugged.

  1. Use an app like Screen Time iPhone App  helps to track your weekly phone use patterns and this can be used to set goals for the following week. The Moment app can track how often you use your iPhone and iPad each day and also lets you set daily limit.

  2. Keeping track of the times you pick up your phone. How many times do you check your notifications? This can help to be assertive to push back on the urge to check your phone next time it comes up.

  3. Turn off unnecessary notifications and utilize the “Do not Disturb” feature. All the notifications will be there when you turn off the feature.

  4. Do a digital fast. Spend a few hours or days without your device. It might seem a little hard, but it will force you to connect with others and yourself. You may even notice an improvement in your sleep. Studies show this is because the blue light from the screens suppresses the melatonin in the body, making us more alert.

Getting unplugged isn’t impossible but it does take some work. 

Technology is amazing and the benefits are great in so many aspects of everyday life. However, being able to unplug and have some time away from the screen will leave you re-energized, help improve your sleep and help stay in touch with the world around you.

Taking a Digital Detox while traveling is a great way to train yourself to take a break from your devices. Before traveling you can inform your friends, colleagues and loved ones, that you will not have your phone with you 24-7 so they are aware that you may not reply back immediately.

During our ALIVE Experience trips we encourage all of our guests to take a Digital Detox so they can be fully present during every moment with us. Most guests say that after a few days they get used to not having their phones with them and really enjoy the feeling and intend on continuing this periodically when they return home .

Would you like to try a Digital Detox?

What day of the week works for you to disconnect? Here are a couple of suggestions; try going out with friends and leave your phone at home and see how it elevates your experience. Or try a device free dinner where no one is allowed to have technology at the table. You may just find that the conversations get deeper and the group is more connected.

Here is a quote to inspire you from author Anne Lammott: “Almost everything will work again if you unplug it for a few minutes, including you.”

By Harpreet Pandher