Sound Healing Therapy


Can Sound help you heal?

We believe it can and invite you to learn more about this ancient modality.

Everyone and everything in the universe vibrates at a certain frequency, which we refer to as sound. When you connect with other beings or things that have the same frequency pattern as yours, you are in alignment with them. 

Sound is a powerful force that affects the mind, body, and soul.

Sound therapy is essentially the process of healing the mind and body through music, tones, frequencies, and vibrations.

The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance-the vibrating frequency of an object. The entire Universe is in a constant state of vibration, including human beings. 

All organs, cells, bones tissues and the electromagnetic fields which surround the body have a healthy vibrating frequency.

When we are not resonating with a part of ourselves or our surroundings, this creates dissonance and the frequency begins to vibrate without harmony.  Low vibration is related to lethargy, depression, and sickness. 

A key to understanding sound healing is to understand that our bodies resonate with sound waves because the majority of our body is made of water. Since the water molecules are denser, this allows for energy to be transmitted faster from one particle to another.

Sound healing may be considered new age wellness but in reality, it has been used for centuries by ancient greeks, shamans, Indigenous medicine healers. Tibetan singing bowls, drums, gongs, tuning forks, their voices, koshi chimes and shamanic sound healing such as digeridoo to name a few were used to restore balance.

Some of the benefits of sound healing include:

  • Lower stress levels

  • Fewer mood swings

  • Lower blood pressure

  • Lower cholesterol

  • Improve stress, anxiety, depression, along with other mental health conditions

  • Unblock emotions

  • Increases vital energy flow, creativity, intuition

Sound healing therapy can improve many facets of our lives, including emotional, and social development, cognitive and motor functioning as well as mental health. These are a few of the reasons why we offer Sound Healing sessions during our trips to Bali and Nosara.

Many yoga and meditation studios now offer Sound Healing sessions or Sound Baths. If you are curious to learn more about the benefits of this ancient modality, we invite you to give it a try and experience if for yourself.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

- Nikola Tesla

By Harpreet Pandher